Friday, January 29, 2010

BREAKING. SABC2's Morning Live Haiti telethon raises more than R750 000.

You're reading it here first.

Yesterday's telethon on SABC2's breakfast show Morning Live has raised over R750 000 for aid relief in Haiti.

My sources tell me that is JUST the pledges that came in during the 2 hour morning show on SABC2 (so it doesn't represent ''real'' money yet) and also excludes all other donations, sponsorships and other money that came in ouside of what was raised during Morning Live.

The R750 000 also EXCLUDES the money that came in on the special SMS line, which will also still have to be added, says my sources, and could make this number jump by another few thousand rand. The SMS line will also stay open for a duration of 6 WEEKS during which people would still be able to make a donation.

I also asked the SABC which told me they will only have a fixed money number later.